Monday, January 31, 2011

Herbs For Weight Loss

Here are some herbs to assist you in weight loss,  I have personally used ginger and herbal tea blends to curb cravings and laxatives.


Alfalfa- aids digestion and stops food cravings

Amla Fruit- antioxidant, blood tonic, laxative and nutritive.  increases lean mass while reducing fat

Burdock Root- improves elimination of waste in body, detox/fasting tea

Cayenne Fruit- speed up metabolism and aid in weight loss

Chickweed- laxative and liver cleansing.  Dissolves plaque in blood vessels and fatty deposits in the body.  Reduces inflammation and detoxifies body.  Add to juice, salads, soups, etc

Cinnamon- circulatory stimulant and diuretic

Dandelion- blood purifier, improves fat metabolism, diuretic

Fennel Seeds- prevent weight gain, curb appetite

Flaxseeds- curb hunger, lubricate colon and improves bowels movement.

Garcinia Fruit- thermogenic, curb hunger.  Stops body from turning carbohydrates into fatty acids. Helps body burn calories, reduces appetite, enhances digestion

Ginger- aids in digestion of starches and fatty foods

Green Tea- diuretic and thermogenic.  Prevents blood from clotting

Guar gum- laxative, lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels, slows down absorption of carbs, decrease hunger.

Guggula- promotes bowel regularity, flexibility, circulation, secretion of digestive juices and increase energy
Gymnema- "sugar destroyer", block sugar absorption during digestion.  Diabetic should consult their physician before use

Hawthorn- digestive aid, heart tonic, strengthen joints, linings, collagen, etc

Hoodia- makes you feel full

Nettle- improve acne, cellulite and obesity.  Tone and firm tissues, muscles, arteries and skin, curb appetite and cleanses toxins.  Energizing

Psyllium seeds- laxative and stool softener.  create feelings of fullness, curb appetite.  use with plenty of liquids because it will cause constipation.  Use in between meals

Yerba Mate- cleanses blood, decreases appetite

Source:  Beauty by Nature by Brigitte Mars

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rename My Blog Competition!!

So, I've been brainstorming a new name/url for my blog to make it easier to remember or marketable. I'm just not completly satisfied with current name.  I was thinking DIY Goodness or DIY Goodies ( You can see I'm no marketing/slogan genius, LOL!)

So, I've decided to have a competition.  Whoever submits the best name for my blog will recieve a goodie basket of some of the recipes and/or ingredients mentioned on the blog.

Just make sure the name encompasses the purpose of my blog!!  Have fun with it!!

Submit your ideas to

I will announce the winner sometime next week!!

Let's Go!!

Oh Sweet Honey!

It can be used beyond sweetening your tea.  In DIY skin and Hair recipe it is best to use RAW honey which can be found at your local health food store, Trader Joe's, etc.  Here are some benefits of honey for your skin and Hair:

  • Absorbs and Retains Moisture
  • Exfoliation
  • Assist with keeping skin smooth and radiant
  • Antioxidant and Anti-microbial
  • Provides some Sun Protection
  • Skin Refresher
  • Acne
  • Absorbs Skin & Pore Impurities

Add it to your cleaner recipes, Toner, moisturizer, lip balm or use as lip exfoliator!

  • Adds Moisture and Manageability
  • Adds Shine/Sheen
  • Humectant
  • Softens hair

Add it to your conditioners, deep treatments, protein treatments and Shampoos


Monday, January 17, 2011

African Black Soap

African Black soap is great for acne prone skin.  Personally I love this soap during the summer months because it helps my oily skin, but in the winter it can be too drying. 

This soap can be used for the face, body and hair.

I currently use Dudu -Osun because I broke out from the original/regular black soap.  It was too strong for me and caused bumps all over my face ( they went away over night though)

I will be creating a shampoo soon, Stay Tuned.

 FYI: Because this recipe has high water content, I will be making only enough for one wash. 
 ...and I digress
(All this preservative stuff has me scarRRed....Hi my name is Ms.DIY and I am a germaphobe and potential hypochondriac, LBS!  I can't watch the Dr. Oz show because he's always warning you about different health stuff)

Benefits Of Black soap 
Article Source

Black soap is also known as African Black Soap and is simply referred as ABS. It is an excellent cleanser that is composed of numerous soothing and beneficial ingredients that are abundantly found in nature. Although these ingredients are found all through the world, ABS is traditionally made by hand in Africa. Research has revealed that black soaps might contain many different ingredients, but majority of black soaps contain various oils, like the coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, shea butter and cocoa butter. They also contain ashes from different plants, like shea tree bark, banana trees, cocoa pods, and plantain leaves. Along with these water is used as a base for producing these soaps. The many benefits of black soap include:

1.Helps to remove scars caused by acne.
Since acne is not caused by dirt, but due to the release of excessive oils within the skin, the soap cannot remove acne. But use of African black soap helps to remove scars cause due to acne.
2.Helps to remove skin irritations.
Use of black soap helps to remove skin irritations like rashes.
3.Suitable for all skin types.
Black soap can be used for the treatment of problems on all types of skin including the dry and rough, oily and moderate skins.
4.Beneficial for skin diseases.
Black soap is very beneficial for reducing the discomforts that are associated with skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema
5.Helps in removing make-up.
Black soap not only cures skin problems but can also be used as a perfect cleanser for removing make up. It removes every bit of chemicals that can spoil the skin and help to make it clean and fresh.
6.Delays ageing on the skin.
Regular use of black soap helps to remove facial lines that are mostly early signs of ageing. Thus black soap can be used to delay ageing of skin.
7.Benefits to oily skin.
Regular use of black soap helps to remove extra oils form the skin. It is thus useful in preventing the formation of pimples and other problems associated with oily skin.
8.Benefits to the hair.
Black soap can be used for cleaning of hair. After cleaning use your regular conditioner for shiny lustrous beautiful hair.
Black soap contains a very high content of glycerin; it can easily absorb moisture from the air. To prevent it from spoiling due to humidity, black soap must be stored in a sealed plastic bag or dry container. This will give life to your soap

Find More info via Shea Essentials


DIY Shea Butter Hot Oil Treatment

I have found my Deep Treatment/Conditioner!!

This weekend I did a deep conditioner/treatment that left my hair soft and shiny.  As soon as the treatment touch my hair it began to shine and wave up so pretty.   I strongly suggest you try this!!  I joked with my cousin that the deep treatment had my hair looking better than my weave, because it just did not want to blend( too shiny, thick and soft, LOL!!)  This treatment is heavy, so I'm not sure what the result would be for  thinner or finer hair types.


  • 2 tbsp Shea Butter
  • 1tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp EVOO
  • 2 tsp Honey

(be sure to adjust how much you use depending on the length of your hair, mine is shoulder length)

I placed all the oils in a jar and then placed the jar in a cup of hot water.
Let sit for ten minutes and then mixed and pour into applicator bottle.
Dampen hair and then apply.

Sit under dryer for 30-45 minutes and then shampoo as normal.

I followed this treatment up with, my Ayurvedic shampoo, however me and my mom didn't feel like anything happened or like our hair was clean, so I'm going to try it again later for a regular wash.  I might have needed a stronger shampoo for removing the treatment.

Sorry for no pic, I will take them next time, I found my camera charger, Woohoo!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Protective Hairstyles

Here are some Protective Styles that will give your hair a much needed break.  These styles assist with hair retention when done correctly.

Keep Hair moisturized and clean (i.e. braids & Twists with extensions can cause matted dirt ball that will rip out your hair)
Make sure braids and sew- ins are not too tight
Avoid glue on your hairline(lace front wearers)
Don't wear styles more than 2-3 monthes (sew-ins, braids, twists)
Don't pull puffs/buns/ponytails too tight






Crochet Braids

Wigs (Lace front, Traditional, Half)



Hair Wraps

All these styles are fairly easy to do on your own, which will save you money!!!  I have done a few of these styles by myself or by a family memebr(sew-ins) and received a lot of compliments!!


Thin Hair Remedies

A reader requested some ideas on how to remedy thin hair, so here are some things I researched and currently using on my own hair.

Henna Treatments/Henna Gloss
Lemon Water Spray using a whole lemon and distilled water
Trim Hair in Layers
Flat beer and Lemon/or Lime Spray
Beer Rinses
Extensions- Just use a few to fill the hair in
Styles like Twist out, etc
Castor Oil
High Frequency Treatments-  Stimulates scalp and healthy hair growth.  My mom uses it and her new growth is much thicker
Ayurvedic Herbs
Limit hands in hair
Limit tight hair styles
Use protective styles that will give your hair a break

Spray Volumizing sprays at roots for styling


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If you are anything like me and have sensitive skin and/or keloid, you cannot have pierced ears.... ;-(.  This can be a pain sometimes, because you are limited to cheap earrings from Claire's or old looking grandma's from your local department stores. 

These are your options:

Find someone who makes cute clip ons like Wisdom Work's and other Vendors on Etsy or just DIY.  Find a cute pair of earrings and convert them, or make you some from scratch or other cute items you find.  I found this cute set or bow earrings I'm thinking about converting!!!

Supplies Needed:
Earrings (Whatever material  you are trying to making into an earring)
Super Glue maybe for those studs????

Converting Earrings Article (Converting Earrings Article (Another Method))

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cleansing Grains III

Here is another Cleansing Grains Recipe I made this weekend.  One of the great things about DIY activities is there are so many things that you have in your kitchen already that are great for your skin & Hair.  It seems every time I go to make something I'm missing an ingredient.  My kitchen cabinets are always one ingredients short, like Kool-Aid but no sugar and peanut butter , but no Jelly, lol!

Anyhoo, I had no almonds and I couldn't locate my Bentonite Clay either, so this is what I made.


1/2 cup Plain Oatmeal
3 TSP Flaxseed Meal
Lavender Essential Oil ( or of your choice)

  • Grind oatmeal in coffee grinder and Flaxseeds if you have whole seeds.
  • Place in clean Glass Jar and add a few drops of EO of choice
  • You can Add the honey now, but it will only last one week, or you can keep the dry grains in jar and add honey for immediate application.
Use no more than 3x a week for cleaning and exfoliation.


Sunday, January 2, 2011