Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)


Not all this applies to mixologists, but you can use some of these GMP's as guidleines for protecting yourself and products from unecessary contamination, etc.  This is good knowledge to have if you just make personal products and escpecially if you sell your products.


Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Guidelines/Inspection Checklist

February 12, 1997; Updated April 24, 2008
The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act1 prohibits the introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of cosmetics that are adulterated or misbranded (Sec. 301).
A cosmetic may be deemed adulterated (Sec. 601) for essentially four reasons, namely:
  1. It may be injurious to users under conditions of customary use because it contains, or its container is composed of, a potentially harmful substance.
  2. It contains filth.
  3. It contains a non-permitted, or in some instances non-certified, color additive.
  4. It is manufactured or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become injurious to users or contaminated with filth.
A cosmetic may be deemed misbranded (Sec. 602) for reasons of:
  1. False or misleading labeling.
  2. Failure to state prominently and conspicuously any information required by or under authority of this act.
  3. Misleading container presentation or fill.
To determine whether cosmetic firms manufacture, hold or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce cosmetics that are adulterated or misbranded, and to prevent these and other practices violating Sec. 301 of the FD&C Act, the law gives the agency the authority to enter the establishments of such firms and inspect their facilities as well as all pertinent equipment, finished and unfinished materials, containers and labeling therein. See Sec. 704(a) of the FD&C Act.
Rigorous adherence to good manufacturing practice minimizes the risk of adulteration or misbranding of cosmetics. The following cosmetic establishment instructions, excerpted from FDA's Inspection Operations Manual, may serve as guidelines for effective self-inspection. A good inspection score means that an establishment follows good manufacturing practice.


  1. Building and Facilities. Check whether
    1. Buildings used in the manufacture or storage of cosmetics are of suitable size, design and construction to permit unobstructed placement of equipment, orderly storage of materials, sanitary operation, and proper cleaning and maintenance.
    2. Floors, walls and ceilings are constructed of smooth, easily cleanable surfaces and are kept clean and in good repair.
    3. Fixtures, ducts and pipes are installed in such a manner that drip or condensate does not contaminate cosmetic materials, utensils, cosmetic contact surfaces of equipment, or finished products in bulk.
    4. Lighting and ventilation are sufficient for the intended operation and comfort of personnel.
    5. Water supply, washing and toilet facilities, floor drainage and sewage system are adequate for sanitary operation and cleaning of facilities, equipment and utensils, as well as to satisfy employee needs and facilitate personal cleanliness.
  2. Equipment. Check whether:
    1. Equipment and utensils used in processing, holding, transferring and filling are of appropriate design, material and workmanship to prevent corrosion, buildup of material, or adulteration with lubricants, dirt or sanitizing agent.
    2. Utensils, transfer piping and cosmetic contact surfaces of equipment are well-maintained and clean and are sanitized at appropriate intervals.
    3. Cleaned and sanitized portable equipment and utensils are stored and located, and cosmetic contact surfaces of equipment are covered, in a manner that protects them from splash, dust or other contamination.
  3. Personnel. Check whether:
    1. The personnel supervising or performing the manufacture or control of cosmetics has the education, training and/or experience to perform the assigned functions.
    2. Persons coming into direct contact with cosmetic materials, finished products in bulk or cosmetic contact surfaces, to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of cosmetic products, wear appropriate outer garments, gloves, hair restraints etc., and maintain adequate personal cleanliness.
    3. Consumption of food or drink, or use of tobacco is restricted to appropriately designated areas.
  4. Raw Materials. Check whether:
    1. Raw materials and primary packaging materials are stored and handled in a manner which prevents their mix-up, contamination with microorganisms or other chemicals, or decomposition from exposure to excessive heat, cold, sunlight or moisture.
    2. Containers of materials are closed, and bagged or boxed materials are stored off the floor.
    3. Containers of materials are labeled with respect to identity, lot identification and control status.
    4. Materials are sampled and tested or examined in conformance with procedures assuring the absence of contamination with filth, microorganisms or other extraneous substances to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of finished products. Pay particular attention to materials of animal or vegetable origin and those used in the manufacture of cosmetics by cold processing methods with respect to contamination with filth or microorganisms.
    5. Materials not meeting acceptance specifications are properly identified and controlled to prevent their use in cosmetics.
  5. Production. Check whether manufacturing and control have been established and written instructions, i.e., formulations, processing, transfer and filling instructions, in-process control methods etc., are being maintained. Determine whether such procedures require that:
    1. The equipment for processing, transfer and filling the utensils, and the containers for holding raw and bulk materials are clean, in good repair and in sanitary condition.
    2. Only approved materials are used.
    3. Samples are taken, as appropriate, during and/or after processing, transfer or filling for testing for adequacy of mixing or other forms of processing, absence of hazardous microorganisms or chemical contaminants, and compliance with any other acceptance specification.
    4. Weighing and measuring of raw materials is checked by a second person, and containers holding the materials are properly identified.
    5. Major equipment, transfer lines, containers and tanks are used for processing, filling or holding cosmetics are identified to indicate contents, batch designation, control status and other pertinent information.
    6. Labels are examined for identity before labeling operations to avoid mix-up.
    7. The equipment for processing, holding, transferring and filling of batch is labeled regarding identity, batch identification and control status.
    8. Packages of finished products bear permanent code marks.
    9. Returned cosmetics are examined for deterioration or contamination.
  6. Laboratory Controls. Check whether:
    1. Raw materials, in-process samples and finished products are tested or examined to verify their identity and determine their compliance with specifications for physical and chemical properties, microbial contamination, and hazardous or other unwanted chemical contaminants.
    2. Reserve samples of approved lots or batches of raw materials and finished products are retained for the specified time period, are stored under conditions that protect them from contamination or deterioration, and are retested for continued compliance with established acceptance specifications.
    3. The water supply, particularly the water used as a cosmetic ingredient, is tested regularly for conformance with chemical-analytical and microbiological specifications.
    4. Fresh as well as retained samples of finished products are tested for adequacy of preservation against microbial contamination which may occur user reasonably foreseeable condition of storage and consumer use.
  7. Records. Check whether control records are maintained of:
    1. Raw materials and primary packaging materials, documenting disposition of rejected materials.
    2. Manufacturing of batches, documenting the:
      1. Kinds, lots and quantities of material used.
      2. Processing, handling, transferring, holding and filling.
      3. Sampling, controlling, adjusting and reworking.
      4. Code marks of batches and finished products.
    3. Finished products, documenting sampling, individual laboratory controls, test results and control status.
    4. Distribution, documenting initial interstate shipment, code marks and consignees.
  8. Labeling. Check whether the labels of the immediate and outer container bear:
    1. On the principal display panel:
      1. In addition to the name of the product, the statements of identity and net contents,
      2. The statement "Warning--The safety of this product has not been determined" if the safety of the respective product has not adequately been substantiated. Determine whether and what toxicological and/or other testing the firm has conducted to substantiate the safety of its products. See 21 CFR 740.10.
    2. On the information panel:
      1. The name and address of the firm manufacturing the product or introducing it into interstate commerce.
      2. the list of ingredients (only on outer container) if intended for sale or customarily sold to consumers for consumption at home.
      3. The warning statement(s) required at 21 CFR 740.11, 740.12 and 740.17.
      4. Any other warning statement necessary or appropriate to prevent a health hazard. Determine the health hazard or their basis for a warning statement.
      5. Any direction for safe use of product.
      6. In case of a hair dye product, the caution statement of Sec. 601(a) of the Act and appropriate directions for preliminary patch testing. This warning only applies to coal-tar hair dyes which, if so labeled, are then exempted from the adulteration provision of the Act.
  9. Complaints. Check whether the firm maintains a consumer complaint file and determine:
    1. The kind and severity of each reported injury and the body part involved.
    2. The product associated with each injury, including the manufacturer and code number.
    3. The medical treatment involved, if any, including the name of the attending physician..
    4. The name(s) and location(s) of any poison control center, government agency, physician's group etc., to whom formula information and/or toxicity data are provided.
  10. Other. Check whether the firm is:
    1. Participating in the program of voluntary registration of:
      1. Cosmetic manufacturing establishments (21 CFR 710).
      2. Cosmetic product ingredient and cosmetic raw material composition statements (21 CFR 720).
    2. Using a color additive which is not listed for use in cosmetics (21 CFR 73, 74, and 82) or which is not certified (21 CFR 80).
    3. Using a prohibited cosmetic ingredient (21 CFR 700).
For important information on international approaches to Good Manufacturing Practice, please refer to International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation Outcome of Meeting2, September 26-28, 2007.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Formulating Your Recipes

Have you ever found a recipe which yielded to much, to little or you couldn't figure out how much it would yield at all?  I know I have.  Well, here is the answer to your question/confusion, formulating.  If you know this already, why didn't you share this information with me, it would have been helpful, LoL!

The benefits of formulating your recipes is that you can change how much you want to make without compromising the recipe and getting your desired recipe/results every time. 

Steps to formulating your recipes:
  1. Figure out what you are trying to make
  2. Find the desired ingredients
  3. Separate the ingredients into separate phases (water, oil, preservative & additives)
  4. Divide each ingredient by weight percentages.  When added up your recipe/formula should equal 100%  (online natural vendors will tell you recommended usage percentages for each ingredient)
  5. Choose desired amount total and multiply by each ingredients percentage
  6. Test out formula and see what needs to be adjusted next time
Note:  The only way to know preservative is working effectively is to have it tested. And the best way to make cosmetic recipe is by weight, not volume or fluid measurements.

Here is an example:
Un-Petroleum Jelly


Phase 1
Castor Oil  49.05%
Coconut Oil  49.05&
Beeswax  .3%

Phase 2
Grapefruit Seed Extract .2%
Hibiscus Extract  .5%
Rosemary Antioxidant Extract  .2%
Optiphen  .5%
Essential Oil  .2%

So if I was making 8 oz un-petroleum jelly I would need .4905 x 8 = 3.924 ounces of Castor oil (weight).

If you have a recipe that you have already divided by fluid measurements, etc. you will need to measure out each individual ingredient and figure out it's weight.  After you figure out the weight of each ingredient add it up to figure out the total weight of your recipe.  To figure out the ingredient percentages, take each ingredients weight and divide it by the total recipe weight. 

For example: (this example, the weight is not the actual recipe weights, I just used example numbers to explain)

Fluid measurements converted to weight:

Castor Oil  1/4 cup          = 2.5 ounces weighted
Coconut Oil  1/4 cup      = 2 ounces weighted
Beeswax                          = 1 ounce (weight)
Total weight                    = 5.5 ounces

Recipe in Formula: ( remember to round)

Castor Oil       2.5oz /5.5oz =  45%
Coconut Oil     2oz.5.5oz = 37%
Beeswax         1oz/ 5.5oz = 18%
Total                                = 100%


Importance of Correct Measurements Article

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Un-Petroleum Jelly

If you don't like Vaseline a.k.a. petroleum jelly for what ever reason, here is an alternative.  I have seen this recipe many times, but never really cared to make it until a friend started talking about purchasing it and of course Ms. DIY had to know the ingredients and figure out how to make it myself.  I stored it in a glass jar this time because it was what I had, but I will order some plastic tube bottles so that I can minimize hands in jar.

Un-petroleum jelly is supposed to be easily absorbed by skin (that's why I used Coconut Oil because it assist with skin absorbtion), unlike vaseline which coats the skin. 
  • 1/2 cup Oil ( use any oil of choice)
    • For this recipe I used 1/4 cup Coconut Oil and 1/4 cup Castor Oil
  • 2 TBSP Vitamin E Oil
  • 1 ounces beeswax (weight)
Recipe makes 4 ounces and is supposed to  last 6-8 months. 

If you find recipe to thick or vice versa increase/decrease beeswax or oil. 

  1. Weigh out beeswax and place in double boiler
  2. Add oil(s)
  3. Stir oil(s) as beeswax melts
  4. Pour oil mixture into sterile jar of choice
  5. Stir as it cools and then let sit over night uncovered

Un-Petroleum Jelly Uses:
  • lip balm/gloss ( add mica for color)
  • sealing hair ends (won't coat hair like Vaseline/petroleum jelly)
  • skin moisturizer (face and body)
  • makeup remover
  • See Vaseline post for more ideas
  • Use in different recipes

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mixologists and DIY Products Safety

During my daily perusal of natural hair and skin care recipes and websites, I have come across my share of recipes that mention no preservation literature, products for sell, etc.  Now I support all those who enjoy creating their own products and creating a business for themselves.  But I can't help but wonder, if these people are just making products and selling them without a thought about product efficacy, allergies, mold, bacteria, SAFETY,etc.  I know I wasn't until I really began to research the complexities of creating my own products.  And even then I was not trying to sell my recipes.  I am no chemist, so when pH levels and chemical reactions between ingredients occur....I don't know all this info, lol and neither does your average Joe/Jane.

Now, I know that FDA regulations can mean little to some, and many of the ingredients approved by the FDA are harmful and cause adverse reactions in many, but they do require that people follow some sort of rules to making their products and safely selling them.  There needs to be some regulation of selling products, including natural/organic regulations.  It can be from proper labeling(nut allergies,etc), testing how it stands up to daily usage, shelf life, etc.  I am not saying conform to all chemical crap that the FDA currently approves, but be knowledgeable of your product in which you are selling. 

I am simply put an advocate of rules ( I like structure), so as the natural community grows and we (society) adjust our thinking to more organic ways of production, life, health etc, I hope that regulations improve and alternatives are discovered.  We as consumers need to ask more questions.  Making your own natural skin and hair care is not new, plain and simple, but we do need to educate ourselves, especially if you want to try and sell it.  In the long run it's better for you and your potential customers. 

I have personally witnessed a person creating their concoctions and given the time that they were researching their products and the time that they began offering them for sell, they could not have possibly had them tested for safety let alone efficacy.  Did you test that recipe out before you made claims of it;s ability to do this or that, LOL people are a trip, anyhoo. No one formulation is going to work with any given preservative whether it be natural or synthetic. 

I mean there are probably many sellers out there who haven't even considered the shelf life of their products let alone know how to properly label them and know the efficacy of their preservative. 

Any product with water is highly prone to bacterial growth, putting your hands in products spread germs & bacteria, storing in bathroom ( warm moist area), etc.  For this reason I am making smaller amounts.  My personal rules are use natural preservatives and antioxidants, avoid large amounts of water based products, and try to minimize hand in jars.  I only make enough oil/butter recipes to last me 1 month and oil/water for 1-2 weeks with refrigeration. 

As discussed in my previous posts about preservatives,  the only way to know if your product is effectively being preserved is to have a educated and TRAINED chemist test it and until then, there is no way you can be sure if your product is safe for sell/ use over time.

If you want to learn more or have questions, I would advise you to do some reading at http://www.herbarie.com/.  They are not only helpful, but trained people that combine science and natural methods, so you get the best of both worlds.  For example, I was recommended using a liquid germall plus, but after reading one of the ingredients hazard rating on skin deep, I became concerned.  I then went on to read some more info using a link provided by skin deep and learned that the formula for liquid germall plus was not dangerous, it's like watered down bleach if you know what I mean.  I'm still concerned and considering it, but the point is do your research and check for yourself, because all these blogs and forums are run by your average Joe/Jane who read other peoples blogs and take it as fact.  Check out The Natural Haven too, she discusses science and natural methods and their benefits and vice versa. 
This post is not meant to offend anyone and I support my fellow mixologists, but be safe, the US is the most litigious country out there and I think this needed to be said.


Monday, March 21, 2011

DIY: Reusable Jar Labeling System

Labeling your jars is really important, especially for me because I forget when I made things and when I need to discard of recipes.  I have been using paper labels, but hate what happens when you wash the jars, so here is a cool alternative I found recently. 

Chalkboard labeling.  You can use chalkboard paint, spray paint or contact paper.  Which ever works best for you, I can't decide if I want to use contact paper or spray paint.  I'm concerned the contact paper won't stay with washing so, I'm leaning toward the spray paint.

Personalize your labels with shapes!!  Here are some links below!

DIY Chalkboard Label w/ Chalkboard Paint

DIY w/ Chalkboard Contact Paper

DIY w/ Chalkboard Spray Paint


Friday, March 18, 2011

Wild African Honey

I recently Purchased some Wild African Honey from Coastal Scents, so here is some info on it.  I have not yet used it, but looking forward to trying it!

It has the same benefits as RAW Honey, but this honey is from Africa and has not gone through any chemical processes, etc, thus leaving a lot of minerals, vitamins, amino acid, etc intact and beneficial to our skin and hair.  When it comes to African honey, the darker the better, so do not be afraid of the color difference.

Skin Care & Hair Uses
  • Toning
  • Moisturizing
  • Healing
  • Humectant
  • Natural Antioxidant
  • Anti-Microbial growth prevention
Basically Wild African Honey has all the same benefits of the RAW Honey you purchase at your local health food stores, PLUS the benefits of minerals, vitamins, amino acid, etc!!

I will be using this just as I have used RAW Honey in my Cleansing Grains, Shea Butter Hot Oil Treatment, etc!!!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Organic Facts Website!

This is a great website to find out information about different oils(especially coconut oil), food, etc and their benefits for health & beauty!



Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very popular and very preferred as hair oil worldwide. Let us find out why.
  • Lauric Acid: One of the most responsible reasons behind hair fall and hair loss is microbial action bonds. This monolaurin has excellent antimicrobial properties. on the scalp and hair roots. So, to protect hair against them, what we need is an antimicrobial agent. Lauric Acid present in Coconut Oil is one of them. It is basically a triglyceride which yields a monoglyceride called Monolaurin when acted upon by a species of bacteria which breaks the glycerol
Capric Acid: This is yet another triglyceride present in Coconut oil, which, like Lauric Acid, yields another monoglyceride called Monocaprin due to bacterial action, having antimicrobial properties similar to that of monolaurin.
  • Vitamin-E: Almost every aptly educated person knows the importance of vitamin-E for skin and hair. It keeps scalp and skin healthy and hair rejuvenated.
  • Moisture Retaining Capacity: Coconut Oil has high moisture retaining capacity, since it is not broken down easily nor evaporated, being very stable. It does not let moisture escape thus keeping hair moistened and soft. This prevents breakage of hair. Coconut Oil is a far better conditioner for hair than any synthetic one available in the market.
  • Anti-Dandruff: The various fatty acids present in Coconut Oil serve as very good anti dandruff agents and are way better than any anti dandruff shampoo. A regular application can help you get rid of dandruffs for ever.
  • Styling: Coconut oil can be good styling oil for hair too, as it melts on heating and then condenses on cooling. So when you apply it on your hair, it thins and spreads evenly due to heat of the scalp. Soon afterwards, as the hair comes in contact with air, the oil on hair condenses on cooling and thus works as a styling gel or cream.
If you ever visit coastal parts of India, like West Bengal, Kerala, Coastal Tamil Nadu etc, you will be surprised to see lots and lots of old men and women, in their 70s and 80s, still having thick jet black hair. Thanks to the coastal climate, the rice and fish meal and of course, to the pure coconut oil they use on hair.
This article is contributed by Aparup Mukherjee.

Sources of Information: Reports of Coconut Development Board of India, Reports of KERAFED, Text books of various courses of agriculture, Various other reports on internet.

Article Source: http://www.organicfacts.net/organic-oils/organic-coconut-oil/coconut-oil-for-hair.html

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sterilizing Your Containers & Instruments

When making your own cosmetic products, protection goes beyond using Preservatives.   You must also use clean and steriize your instruments and storage containers and clean your working area.

How To Sterilize Your Containers & Instruments
  • DO NOT use the same pots, spoons, measuring cups, etc as those you prepare food
  • Wash hands while preparing products and/or use gloves
  • Make sure work area is clean
Sterilization Method 1
  • Clean containers, instruments and jars with soap water if removing grim, old product, etc
  • Place jars/containers/instruments in room temperature bleach water (use 5% bleach)
  • Let sit for 5-10 minutes ( my personal preference)
  • Remove containers and lids and place on drying rack
  • Once dry, use or store in zip lock bags for later use
Sterilization Method 2
  • Clean containers and jars with soap water if removing grim, old product, etc
  • Boil Glass Jars and lids (heat safe jars/lids only) in large pot making sure they are covered by water for 10-15 minutes ( Be careful when removing, use tongs, etc)
  • Set on drying racks upside down
  • Once dry, use or store in zip lock bags for later use
Sterilization Method 3
  • Clean containers and jars with soap water if removing grim, old product, etc
  • Boil Glass Jars and lids (heat safe jars/lids only) in large pot making sure they are covered by water for 10 minutes ( Be careful when removing, use tongs, etc)
  • Pre-heat oven around 280 F, so that the oven is warm, not hot
  • Line up jars on cookie sheet with tea towel lining the cookie sheet
  • Place heat safe jars/lids in oven for 5-10 minutes
  • Remove jars/lids and let cool.
  • Use or store in zip lock bags for later use
Sterilization Method 4
  • Clean containers, instruments and jars with soap water if removing grim, old product, etc
  • Place jars/containers/instruments in room temperature bleach water (use 5% bleach)
  • Let sit for 5-10 minutes ( my personal preference)
  • Remove containers and lids and place in microwave on lowest setting until dry ( make sure jars/bottles are microwave safe)
  • Once dry, use or store in zip lock bags for later use
Sterilization Method 5
  • If your containers and utensils are not heat resistant, wipe with alcohol and let dry


    Monday, March 14, 2011

    DIY: Recycled T's: Scarf

    Scarf Instructions:
    1. Take an old T-shirt and lay flat.  ( size XL, seamless jersey shirts works best)
    2. Using scissors remove shirt hem
    3. Remove top half of T-shirt, cutting around arm area
    4. Cut 1/2 -1 inch strips.  I just cut freehand, and don't worry about frayed ends.
    5. Take strips and stretch.  ( ends of strips will roll and hide frayed ends!)
    6. Take an extra strip of material and tie one end around all the strips and wrap until you reach the end of material
    7. Tie a knot

    Voila you have a Scarf!

    Get creative with your fabric, Tye dye it, bleach it, use fabric paint, use different materials and designs, incorporate pearls, jewelry, brooches, etc.


    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    DIY Recycled T: Braided Headband

    I saw this awesome scarf on a website, but they were charging $68 dollars for it.  Then I remembered that I saw something similar to it on esty, thus realizing I could probably make one myself.

    So, I found a couple of blogs that made scarves and headbands out of recycled t-shirts.  I have so many extra t shirts in my house from my college days where every event came with a free t shirt, lol.

    While this was my first try and I am not completely enthused, I like it.  My next scarf will be even better!!  I also made a headband out of the sleeve of the shirts, which I like, but need to perfect the closure design. 


    1. Take an old T-shirt and lay flat.  ( size XL, seamless jersey shirts works best)
    2. Using scissors remove shirt hem
    3. Cut 3, 1/2 -1 inch strips.  I just cut freehand, and don't worry about frayed ends.
    4. Take strips and cut one end creating long strips and stretch.  ( ends of strips will roll and hide frayed ends!)
    5. Tie knot on one end leaving some material hanging
    6. Begin Braiding strips
    7. When you reach the bottom, tie a knot leaving some hanging material.
    8. Tie each end of headband to wear!
    Voila you have a braided headband!

    This is a great way to use old t-shirts around the house or buy some thrifted T's and it's GREEN!

    Get creative with your fabric, Tye die it using bleach or dye, use fabric paint, use different materials and designs, incorporate elastic, brooches, etc.


    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Antiperspirants vs. Deodorants

    This is very interesting post about antiperspirants vs deodorants. In my quest to make my daily regimen natural I have ignored natural deodorants because I sweat, and I DO NOT want to stink, but that's not what antiperspirants do, I need something that give me the best of both world, lol!

    Here is an interesting video about deodorants vs antiperspirants


    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    this old dress: DIY recycled t shirt braided scarf tutorial

    this old dress: DIY recycled t shirt braided scarf tutorial: "This tutorial will teach you how to make your very own homemade recycled t shirt braided scarf. There are several different ways to go ab..."

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Does your hair smell good?

    So, yesterday at the gym, my personal trainer couldn't stop smelling my hair.  I know this sounds weird but he loves when women hair smells good...it was nice since one of the reason I hate working out is stinky sweat...

    Anyhoo, this made me think back to my old relaxed, hair grease wearing days, LOL.  I remember growing up, that all the white girls hair smelled good and when they walked by or shook their heads you would smell strawberries, etc.  I wanted that, but I couldn't figure out how.  I washed my hair with some of the same products, but the smell wouldn't stick.

    Now that I'm natural, I have figured it out, I 'm not piling my hair with stinky greases, burning it with a bunch of heat and processing it chemically.  My wash and goes are simple and allow for me to keep the smell of the conditioners, now.  I also add essential oils to my mixtures and I get compliments all the time about how my hair smell, especially when I use lemon grass.

    At first I would be self conscious when people would, say, what is that smell?, ( especially when I used tea tree oil), but then they would follow-up the question with positive reviews.

    I found a article by Cosmo that found men enjoyed good smelling hair over perfumes...interesting.

    Guys Uncensored: What’s Overrated vs. What’s Underrated

    So, what does your hair smell  like and has that changed for you since you started using natural hair products? 

    Do you find that people want to touch or smell your hair more? 
    And do you find men smelling your hair?
