- 4oz Distilled Water
- 2 tsp Shea Oil
- 1tsp Castor Oil
- 1tsp DL Panthenol conditioner
- 1 tsp Sodium Lactate humectant
- 1/4 tsp Guar Gum
- 1/4 tsp Extraordinary XG
- Mixed liquid ingredients in pyrex measuring cup
- Add Oil(s)
- Pour Liquid into blender
- Start mixing liquid phase of recipe, while slowly adding in Guar Gum and/or XG( this will help w/ hydration of GG and XG and avoiding flakes)
- Mix
- Let sit for 2 minutes and blended some more (allows guar gum and XG time to hydrate)
- Let sit for 5 minutes and blended some more
- Poured into 4 oz plastic jar.
- Refrigerate
There was some left overs so I used that to test the PH and twist my hair for a twist out. PH=7/7.5 ( these PH strips are not easy to read, ugh)
My Review and Recommendation:
- Store mixture in a bottle with dispensable top to help reduce contamination since I used no preservatives( eliminates hand in jar)
- Pour mixture into bottle before it fully thickens( makes transfer less messy and avoid contamination) or use the baggy method to transfer mixture
- Eliminate the Extraordinary XG, makes mixture gel like instead of creamy leave-in
- I personally would store in the refrigerator no more than a week and definitely not past 2 weeks because I use no preservatives, but you can add your own preservative to be safe.
- It felt gooey too, kinda like Kinky Curly Custard , but it dries better on the hair ( no gooey sticky residue)
- Add Guar Gum and/or Xg slowly,, don't just dump it in water phase
I tried this recipe for a twist out. I only dampened the hair with water for detangling and then applied the mixture. I must say this is more like a moisturizing gel. The hold is great and my twist out is very defined and moisturized. The only thing I would be aware of is applying too much( I can get heavy handed). It will flake up a little, but not very bad.( the flakes may also be due to my not following step 4 and just dumping GG and XG in still water, thus allowing it to clump a little)

Update: I used this for both the deep conditioner and my mini twists. I liked the hold and as a moisturizer for my mini twist, but it caused flakes later own. As a base for a deep conditioner, not so much.
I use Extraordinary XG for my hair gel. The place I bought it says it doesn't flake but I am having issues too. Time for more experimentation.