"Natural Hair is NOT for me, this stuff is nappy or I don't have good hair like you."
I have heard this statement and /or seen frowning faces when discussing going natural. IT"S NOT AS BAD AS YOU THINK!!!! Give up on the creamy crack, your hair will thank you for it in the long run.
Being Natural does not mean that your only hairstyle options are Afro, and umm, let me see Afro. You can wear your hair bone straight, rods, twisted, roller sets, braids, pony tails. If you ask me, you actually have more options natural than permed. It really is just taking the time to learn how to take care of your hair differently.
Benefits of Natural hair:
2. More versatility
3. No more burned scalps.
4. Decreased thinning due to perms.
5. Stronger & Healthier Hair ( Although I want you to understand natural does not mean it needs less care than permed hair.
6. Removing damaging chemical from your daily hair regime
7. Increased self- confidence
8. Fun creating new hairstyles
9. Supporting Community
10. New appreciation and love for your curls/kinks!!!
Natural hair is not only a physical transition, but a mental one as well. We as black women and men have been fed certain images of beauty and it is hard at times to digest the new look ( I still have my days after 4 years).
Don't let people define what natural hair is to you. You probably see alot of women's hair and have no idea that they are natural.
My Hair straight & Curly: